

Recently, we asked all alumnae to answer the question "为什么12博官方网站?" With fewer than forty women's colleges in existence today, we thought it would be good to look back and invite alumnae to share experiences, 的想法, 的见解, and memories that reflect the greatness of a women's college education. We also asked alumnae and students to tell us what they fondly remember about their days on campus and tell us "Why we should fight to save this women's college.在这里可以找到一些答案.

"Wesleyan was where I first experienced freedom and independence."

——Kendra Rhoulhac '02

"I have been an educator for eighteen years and I have taught in three different states. 然而,, when I think about the most intelligent people that I have ever been surrounded by, I think of the young women of Wesleyan College. They came from all over the world - valedictorians and salutatorians from everywhere. I learned just as much from my peers as I did from my professors. 我的同辈们把我提升了. The small classes engaged me, and the curriculum changed me completely. Wesleyan makes leaders out of women who don't even aim to become leaders. The Black Student Alliance was pivotal in making me feel that I belonged. Twenty years later, I use my experiences to shape the minds of my students and colleagues. When I left Wesleyan, I felt liberated, and that is what it's all about". - 莎娜·安德伍德-斯蒂芬斯的

"… the scholarship aid has made it possible to become a Wesleyan Woman, one who is proud, strong, intelligent, and confident. I am especially inspired by just such a Wesleyan alumna - my own grandmother ——Dyleane Tolbert Taylor, 1972年. 作为12博官方网站的“前五名”之一," the first black women to graduate from Wesleyan, my grandmother was instrumental in breaking down barriers to ensure all women have equal opportunity for a higher education.

丽莎Shiveler, 87年

Wesleyan allowed and encouraged me to be bold, 尝试新事物, 从挫折中吸取教训, 认识有趣的人, 参与新的体验. I saw women leaders - in and out of the classroom - women who respectfully challenged ideas, 征服的目标, and embraced femininity in all forms and expressions. I made lifelong friends, women who are sisters of the heart. Wesleyan allowed me the stage to become the best version of myself with the humble confidence to share those gifts with the world.”


“We should fight for Wesleyan’s future because she was the first ever women’s college. Wesleyan offered women an education at a time when it was barely accepted. The world has been forever changed because Wesleyan provides women with the tools they need to succeed and fill leadership roles. If we don’t fight for Wesleyan now, what does the future hold for women’s education? What does the future of the world hold for women?”  - Chy Brown ' 20


无论我最终选择哪条路, I am determined to give back to the Wesleyan Women of the future, just like the donors here today have done for us. This is my commitment to you – and to my grandmother’s legacy – to keep Wesleyan always ‘女性第一’.

"I come from a poor family who did not value education. My mother assumed that I would graduate high school and get a job at Woolworth's. 我有别的想法. My drama teacher arranged an audition with a representative of Wesleyan who was impressed by my scene from Our Town. I was offered a partial drama scholarship from Wesleyan and my whole life changed. Wesleyan is a physically beautiful campus and I loved it. 但这是我一生的朋友, the fantastic professors who were such a positive influence on my life, the roles I was able to play onstage and most of all the continuation of the friendships I made with my Wesleyan sisters sixty years ago that have remained a beacon of love and hope in my life. We all still turn to each other for affection and support. I shall be eternally grateful to Wesleyan for taking a chance on me." ——Linda Maria wilson '60


We should fight for Wesleyan’s future because Wesleyan has become integral to the lives of thousands of alumnae around the world and several more thousands who have been touched by these women. There is no diversity like the diversity and inclusivity on our beautiful campus. 

最好的. 决定. 过.

Not only did I find my voice in my WISe 101 class, but I made long-lasting and cherished friendships with so many people. Sisterhood is what made Wesleyan so great for me. By having that special PK/GK bond, I had automatic sisters that had my back no matter what. 


——Joi Raushan(18岁


Wesleyan College is privileged to steward many arts and cultural events and share them with the community. 大多数都是免费向公众开放的. Wesleyan art galleries are open M-F 1-5PM and on 12博官方网站市场 Saturdays from 10AM-2PM.



Tour our beautiful 200-acre campus featuring Georgian architecture, 郁郁葱葱的绿地, 娱乐设施, 学生宿舍, 礼拜中心.



Wesleyan College is home to five NCAA Division III sports: soccer, 篮球, 排球, 网球, 和垒球. 除了, we offer an award-winning Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) 马术 program.

